Friday, 23 December 2011

Totes Emosh*

In the car yesterday with the twins on the way to our six-monthly check-up with the dentist (how's that for a festive warm-up?), they suggested that they should get me a t-shirt with the words 'Totes Emosh' on the front. Without boring you with my views on wearing things with words on one's chest when one is over 30, obviously this is a non-starter. But they are absolutely right about the sentiment at this time of year.

Already I have been T E about number 1 child reading a lesson in the Ripon Cathedral Carol Service, something, if you know number 1, you will realise I never thought would happen. Ditto, child 3 playing the trumpet at the same venue three days later. Not on his own, but carols played by a brass band get me every time.

Actually lots of Christmas carols and songs have that effect on me. The schoolgirl in me still wants to sing the descant in 'Oh Come All Ye Faithful' and of course, I sing the inappropriate words in 'While Shepherds Watched' and a real favourite - 'Most highly flavoured gravy' which doesn't get enough exposure these days. My chosen favourite songs this year have been Chris Rea's 'Driving Home to Christmas' which I am listening to as I type and the Military Wives which I have been crying along to for weeks.

Last night, we bumped into friends whom I shall call Udder Cream and the Bean without any explanation (because I am threatening Udder Cream who is a fellow blogger with a whole blog-expose in the New Year!) and we were talking about how excited we are at the return of all our offspring tonight. Did we ever realise that we were having that effect on our parents when we were in our teens and twenties? Or were our parents less totes emosh than we are? Anyway I am already ridiculously over-excited and can't wait to have them all here together (gritting my teeth whilst they make a most Biblical mess!) for a few days at least.

So wishing you all a Totes Emosh Christmas (in all the nicest possible ways) and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

PS My other Christmas favourite this year is 'Walking Round in Women's Underwear' which I heard on the radio yesterday for the first time and really made me laugh - excellent! Enjoy!

*Totes Emosh was coined by the otherwise forgettable Two Shoes on X-Factor this year and was probably the best moment of the entire series - and I can't believe I watched nearly all of it!

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